Nomisma is a money tracking application designed to keep track of expenses during trips, but does not require connecting to a banking system. A user sets up his or her initial balance and logs the various transactions they’ve done. The user is able to look into the various categories (Entertainment, food, transport, room, emergency). Targeted mainly for users who wish to track travel expenses.
For this project, I was a contributing programmer who was responsible for programming the various user menus backends. I started with programming a basic, list based menu with a number of mockups of menu options as a proof of concept. After our team consolidated our designs of the full desired funcitonality of our application, I then refined the options and added the nessisary components and connections to fufil our design requirements. After the GUI was added I transferred to a quality assurance role to help mitigate some of the remaining security flaws as well as to troubleshoot a number of issues we had connecting our MySQL code to our database.
You can learn more at the Github Repository for our project.