Manoa-Snackbox is an application designed to provide UH Manoa students with information on the contents of vending machines on campus. This applicaiton allows the user to find nearby vending machines, see what products are available or sold out, and view nutritional information about said products. The application even has a clickable map showing vending machine locations, and their respective inventories, though at the time of this posting, it does not have all of the vending machines fully implemented. Also, this app features special controls for developers and application administrators, giving them the ability to edit machine inventories as needed. Being that Manoa-Snackbox was designed with UH students in mind, it requires the use of a valid UH ID and login to access all of its features. This application was developed as a group endeavour as a final project in our ICS 314 software engineering class. It proved to be a great opporunity to test the skills and knowlege that the four of us had picked up during the semester, allowing us to hone and showcase our abilities with Javascript, HTML, CSS, Semantic UI, and Meteor development.
To find out more visit our page on github:
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